Hi everyone!
I know I haven't been on my blog for a while and I'm truly sorry for that. Life has thrown me a few pretty hard curveballs since 2022, but at least I've kept up with Facebook, and I'm planning on picking up here again too, from now on!
To update y'all a bit:
Professional News:
I'm FINALLY almost finished with "Guts and Glory"! I was feeling pretty guilty about not having completed the trilogy by now, but working on it again lately has reminded me of how difficult I made it for myself to write at all. Why do I do this to myself? No idea, but at least it leads to a great story, right? I plan on having book 3 entirely finished and published by March 2025, though hopefully it'll be a lot sooner! (I've added a picture of the cover to prove I AM working on it!)

I'm finished with my WIP, "Petra's Playlist", which was also a pretty huge project. (WHEW! I'm gonna take a bit of a break after working on these two monoliths for the last two years!) I can't talk too much about it right now, as I want to get it trade published and I'm not sure how much you can discuss a WIP you're querying online. That said, I'm hopeful that this time my work will interest an agent and we can work together to build my career!
Personal News:
My beautiful husband Larry took me to a childhood spot here, and my best friend Shelley officiated, having gotten ordained just to do this for us. He and she had been planning it together for months behind my back! We were never planning on having a regular wedding anyway, so the surprise was a sweet and wonderful gift! I also had steak and lobster right after that, so that was great too!
Over the last couple of years I've been suffering from constant pressure headaches coming from my neck. I've seen so many doctors and specialists that I feel like I'm a patient character on "House"! I haven't talked about it much publicly, mainly because there's nothing that can be done about it at the moment so it's not really worth talking about right now. That said, I wanted to update everyone and explain, at least in part, why I've been so MIA.
Anyway, they've possibly narrowed it down to Degenerative Disc Disorder, or DDD, which usually happens over time from sitting weird or wrong, which is definitely me. They're not entirely sure yet, but at least they're sure enough that I'm actually in pain to finally get me a nerve block soon, so I'm grateful for that!
I think that's all that really matters to say. Once my nerve block is done I'll be back here a lot more often, I'm sure!